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Embrace Emily is working hard to support people affected by breast cancer and other cancers. We are so grateful for you and your role in forwarding our mission!

Since 2018, we have been able to donate over $65,000 to community members in need while they navigate these difficult times.

About Us

Embrace Emily was born in 2014 with one goal in mind: to help provide financial support to our friend Emily as she treated her metastatic breast cancer with alternative therapies not covered by traditional health insurance. Her “St. George Convention,” together with friends and family held a huge fundraiser to raise money to get her to the Herzog Clinic in Nidda, Germany. With that mission accomplished, we came together again in 2016 for another successful event to keep her momentum going. Emily managed her diagnosis from 2009-2017, all while building her own community of cancer warriors. Emily was passionate about reaching out to others enduring their own battle, offering her knowledge, her experiences, and her friendship.

Before Em passed in April of 2017, her best friend Ellen made her a promise to keep Embrace Emily going to keep her legacy alive. Embrace Emily became an official non-profit 501(c)(3) in April of 2018, with a mission to empower members of our community who are affected by breast cancer and other cancers by helping to offset costs associated with treatment.

Picture of Emily Klaus

This is the impact of your generosity.

August 2024 Grant Recipient:

John was diagnosed in February of ‘23 with Ewing's Sarcoma. His year-long treatment plan was allowing him to make progress, but unfortunately, the cancer came back more aggressively and metastasized to multiple areas. John continues to go through treatments and find the next steps towards healing. John and his wife and kids are grateful for the assistance Embrace Emily was able to give.

July 2024 Grant Recipient:

“I don’t even have the words to describe how I’m feeling, and thank you will never be enough!

My journey started in April 2024, I had felt a small pea sized lump in my right breast, never thinking it would be cancer. After a multitude of mammograms, ultrasounds and MRIs it was indeed cancer. ER PR+ HER2- Stage 1 grade 2 to be exact. After meeting with the surgeon who said a lumpectomy and radiation should take care of it, I was feeling positive. However, after my lumpectomy, my gene testing came back positive for ATM gene mutation and Lynch syndrome and onco score came back at a 39 which meant I needed chemotherapy because of a high chance of recurrence. My spirits were broken instantly! Many days and nights were spent crying. At that moment my daughter was a senior in high school and my son was a sophomore, I just wanted to be there for all her “senior” events, prom, graduation, senior softball day etc. I told myself I was going to be there for all of it, and I was. Next up, college move in day! I am currently still going through chemotherapy while working, and will be having a double mastectomy in September. My journey is far from over, but I’m not giving up. Cancer is not winning this ballgame!

A friend told me that if by sharing my story I could help someone then why not put it out there?

Embrace Emily, you have no idea how much this will help my family and I and I am forever grateful for your generosity and kindness. It will not go unnoticed!”

Picture of Stephanie

July 2024 Grant Recipient:

After going for my routine mammogram I received news that would change mine and my family's life. After weeks of stressing, it has now been confirmed that I have Ductal Carcinoma PR/ER+ Her2- Breast Cancer. I am in the early stage of 2 and my MRI showed all clear margins in my lymph nodes, which is great news.

Lord knows my family did not need this after this past year of what we have been through with my sweet momma with her cancer and needing a total laryngectomy, but God has a plan for us all. This one is mine and I have to accept it and KICK CANCER’S ASS! All of you that know me know I can't pass up a good fight!

I am not putting this out there for you to feel sorry for me, but I am putting this out there because #1 Prayer is Powerful, so I ask you all for prayers. Prayers for me and prayers for my family, mostly my 2 kiddos that are trying to deal with life, all of its changes and now this! #2 is for Awareness! Many women do not go for their mammogram screenings every year. I went every 6 months for screening and ultrasounds because I have dense tissue and they have been watching areas for change, I guess they found change! I was lucky enough to find this early. Finding things early does not make things easier but it increases your chances of beating this disgusting disease that takes so many lives.

I will continue to share my story so that I raise awareness for all the women out there!

I started my treatment and have not had the best days following but I have learned from the first one and the 2nd seemed better.

I decided to take control of the one thing I can with this disease and that was my hair. I shaved my head before my body shedded it and I think for me it was my best choice! I shared a picture with and without my new wig.

My purpose is to make sure all women get out there and GO GET YOUR TATAS CHECKED!

Thank you Embrace Emily for your heart filled grant in helping my family navigate through these hard times!

Love to you all!

Picture of Fay without wig

Picture of Fay with wig

June 2024 Grant Recipient:

Juli was diagnosed in January of 2024 with breast cancer. This is her 3rd cancer diagnosis since 2021 (kidney and thyroid). Her family has been impacted financially so very hard in the last few years. Juli’s family of 11 is so grateful for the assistance received from Embrace Emily. Juli, we wish you the best as you go through your final chemo treatments and onto radiation.

April 2024 Grant Recipient:

Carmen is a single mom of two teens. Though it has been a roller coaster since her breast cancer diagnosis in November of ‘23, she remains positive and grateful. Carmen has three surgeries scheduled, followed by a few months of chemotherapy. She wants the Embrace Emily community to know how blessed she feels to be selected as a grant recipient. It has meant the world to Carmen and her kids!

Picture of Carmen

March 2024 Grant Recipient:

This month, we provided assistance to Tia. Tia is a single mom of an adorable 5-year-old (pictured together). Being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at only 28 years old has interrupted life to say the least. Tia was in school for pre-nursing studies, but unfortunately has to put that dream on hold as she undergoes treatment. Tia would like to share this with the Embrace Emily community:

“Though cancer has brought along some heavy financial burdens and major setbacks, it’s taught me a lot more than it’s taken from me, that’s for sure. You really start to pay attention to where your time and energy is spent. What’s worth it and what’s not.This is only the beginning, it’s already tough, but my plan is to dig deep and find the bravery to keep showing up til the finish!

I want to give a big thank you to Embrace Emily and everyone connected to the organization. Thank you for sharing Emily’s story, for your promise to continue her legacy, and for providing this opportunity to help lighten the load of so many soldiers fighting to keep going. I pray that she continues to rest peacefully knowing that her fight was not in vain.”

Picture of Tia

February 2024 Grant Recipient:

This month, we were able to assist a 2023 grant recipient who just had her reconstructive surgery on February 8th. She attempted to go back to work and unfortunately had a setback. Embrace Emily was able to help her catch up on her mortgage and get some much needed rest. She is so thankful to everyone that supports Embrace Emily.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have no idea how much your kindness means to me and my kids.”

Jacqueline 1941-2024

Embrace Emily was able to help out Jacqueline, a 2023 recipient. Unfortunately, she passed away just after we last spoke. She was the gentlest soul and never gave up on herself through all of it. After a bad fall, they learned her cancer had further spread to her brain. That combined with a stroke post-surgery after the fall, was too much. She passed peacefully with her family at her side. Her son wants the Embrace Emily community to know what our friendship and support has meant to her over this past year. It was a privilege to know you, Jackie.

Rest in peace.

Picture of Jacqueline

December 2023 Grant Recipients:
Stacy and Beth

Meet December grant recipients, Stacy and Beth.

We couldn’t be more proud to assist our December recipients, Beth and Stacy, this holiday season (pictured with board members Sully, Ellen, and Jen). James Hart School (Homewood) staff have given so much love and support to Embrace Emily over the years, and we are honored to be able to give it back to two of Hart’s teachers who are currently living with a new cancer diagnosis. Both of these amazing educators are doing their best with managing their diagnosis, appointments, and available sick leave. Embrace Emily is happy to take some of the burden off their shoulders so they can focus on healing. Beth and Stacy, we are in your corner and wishing you a restful holiday break with your families.

Picture of Stacy and Beth

November 2023 Grant Recipient

Meet November grant recipient, Kathleen.

Kathleen was diagnosed with HER2+ breast cancer in August. She shared some of her story with us (below). Being able to assist Kathleen in her cancer journey is the reason why Embrace Emily came to be. We are grateful that we have continued support to be able to help women like Kathleen. Kathleen was so appreciative of the assistance granted for her medical costs.

“This has been life altering and in a short time span. Managing the cancer treatments is a full-time job. I have lost about 7 weeks of work so far and have more coming following surgery (December). My sick time and vacation time has been used up. Some days, I’m not sure if this is real. Managing it all is overwhelming. I’ve been blessed with a great team of healthcare professionals - however it is so costly.”

November 2023 Grant Recipient:

One of our November grant recipients requested help after being diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She is so grateful to the Embrace Emily community for helping her and her 12-year old son stay afloat as she undergoes chemo. We were able to help her with the mortgage and groceries.

October 2023 Grant Recipient:

Meet October grant recipient, Katie.

“Hi! My name is Katie. I was diagnosed with stage 3: invasive ductal carcinoma with skin and lymph node involvement a little over 3 months ago, just two weeks before my 30th birthday. It’s been a wild ride so far but I am so grateful to Embrace Emily for their dedication to helping those like me who may be struggling. I am a full time deaf/hard of hearing teacher and am working during my treatments. It hasn’t been easy but I’m thankful for the help that’s been provided for me!”

Picture of Katie

October 2023 Grant Recipient:

Meet October grant recipient, Michelle.

Michelle was diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma with other areas of cancer also found. She underwent a double mastectomy in September. As a single mom, it became very difficult to keep up with her usual bills on top of the new medical bills. Michelle shared this message for Embrace Emily supporters upon receiving her grant:

“I paid a good portion of my bills. Your gift was such a huge help. I’m sleeping better, not great but better probably because of your thoughtful gift. It’s such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.”

Michelle, we will continue to be in your corner! Wishing you the best as you continue to heal.

August 2023 Grant Recipient:

Meet August grant recipient, Missy.

"I was diagnosed in 2019 with Stage 2b Melanoma. In June 2023, my cancer had metastasized to my lung, now classifying it as Stage 4. I had a portion of my lung removed with the tumor this summer and have begun a year long treatment of immunotherapy.

I live at home with my 2 kids and husband. I am a special education teacher in Tinley Park.

Thank you soooo much for the financial help! I am eternally grateful! "

Picture of Missy

July 2023 Grant Recipient:

Meet July grant recipient, Cara.

“Earlier in the year, I made the brave decision to launch a Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy business, 48-hours after the launch, I received the Breast Cancer diagnosis. Between death, divorce, family crisis and a career change, life had been very challenging the last few years. Add a cancer journey with very limited - no support and being unable to work during this time and you've got a tremendous amount of stress on an already stressful situation. No one tells you want to expect and even if they did, it would be different."

Cara, the Embrace Emily supporters and donors are proud to be part of your support team. We wish you healing and comfort in the days ahead.

Picture of Cara

June 2023 Grant Recipient:

Kimberly is a teacher at St. George in Tinley Park. Ten years ago, she and her family all tested positive for BRCA1. Because of that news, she had a preventative hysterectomy. Unfortunately, three weeks later, due to the hormones she was on post-surgery, a tumor in her breast grew to the size of a golf ball. She was diagnosed with Stage 3B breast cancer. After another surgery and treatments, Kimberly had no evidence of disease from 2017 to 2021. Unfortunately, in November of ‘21, she was pronounced Stage 4 MBC ER+.

Kimberly is so grateful for the assistance the Embrace Emily community is able to provide her and others going through a cancer diagnosis.

May 2023 Grant Recipient:

Meet Lourdes (pictured here with her little sis).

Embrace Emily was able to give a grant to Lourdes as she continues treatment for stage 3 breast cancer. She is grateful to have found us and we are happy to be able to help.

Picture of Lourdes

February 2023 Grant Recipient:

Meet Jill, another one of our February grant recipients. Jill is so grateful that Embrace Emily was able to help pay down some of her medical bills. Please keep Jill and her family in your prayers as she continues her breast cancer treatment.

It is possible for us to continue helping those who need it thanks to you all, our generous supporters! I know Emily is so proud of the work we are doing in helping women of our communities who are going through treatment.

Picture of Jill

February 2023 Grant Recipient:

February grant recipient Nancy shared these beautiful words with us.

Being a part of the Embrace Emily community truly makes an impact. Thank you.

“I am writing a quick note to let you know I received your generous gift and immediately paid medical bills.

All at once I felt the tension leave my body and a big wave of relaxation that I wasn’t alone, and way less stress. Thank you because I didn’t realize how much that financial worry was blocking my natural healing.

Thank you for turning the loss of a loved one into a beautiful memory by blessing people like me. A piece of Emily lives on bringing healing to others.

Thank you again, I truly feel honored.”

Picture of Nancy

January 2023 Grant Recipient:

Jacqueline is an 81-year-old widow living on her own and doing her best to stay positive. She is a retired college professor of social work (Purdue Cal). Jacqueline was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in June of ‘21. While being treated with chemotherapy and immunotherapy, she had many setbacks from an infected port, including sepsis, MRSA, and staph. Damage was also done to Jacqueiline’s heart and kidney. The next step was a mastectomy in May ‘22. Jacqueline is now awaiting advice about nodules that were found on her lungs and a bone biopsy she had on her hip. Through all of this, her enthusiasm and love of life is infectious! She is even looking to volunteer with Embrace Emily! We were so happy Jacqueline found us and that we were able to help her catch up on her HOA fees and utilities, with some extra left to go towards groceries. We wish you all the healing and love in 2023!

Picture of Jacqueline

January 2023 Grant Recipient

This month we were able to assist a single mother of three with her monthly rent and grocery costs as she undergoes chemo and lymph node removal. She is so appreciative of the support from the Embrace Emily community!

November 2022 Grant Recipient:

Jennifer was diagnosed with Stage 3 invasive carcinoma in February of ‘22. After undergoing 5 months of chemotherapy, followed by a mastectomy and radiation, Jennifer was thankful to find Embrace Emily. We were able to assist her with groceries and gas as she works to bring a sense of normalcy back to her household for herself and her four kids.

November 2022 Grant Recipient:

Charneatha appreciates the opportunity to share her story and to thank the Embrace Emily community. Charneatha, we are proud to be part of your support team!

I was just beginning to catch up on bills (from a previous work stoppage due to a knee surgery), when on June 19, 2021 my world was shattered. My brother lost his life from a motorcycle accident. I was devastated. I was so broken, I began to ask God to comfort me and strengthen me. We (my family) finally began to heal emotionally; grief has no expiration date. Then boom, September 28, 2022 I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my left breast. My world was again devastated and it felt like my world was caving in. I cried my heart out so bad I was numb. I called my mother as I left my doctor’s appointment. As soon as I got there and she opened the door, I just cried in her arms and told her the news. She hugged me tight and looked directly in my eyes and told me, “Charneatha, you know I am a two time breast cancer survivor and I am still here. If God can do it for me he can do it for you. It will be ok, we are in this together, I’m fighting with you.”

Being a mother and a grandmother myself, I still had the worry of how are my bills going to get paid, knowing I had just went back to work and now I have to be off on FMLA again. One evening I was watching tv and there was a story that they were doing about Embrace Emily, so I applied and I just prayed to God that I would get chosen. Low and behold I received a phone call from Ellen from Embrace Emily letting me know that I was a chosen recipient. I cried on the phone I was so excited and grateful. I had no idea out of the many women that applied that I would get picked. Ellen was so nice, her spirit was so awesome. She came to deliver the check to my home personally, and I truly want to thank Embrace Emily for helping me. They took the worry away of how I was going to pay my bills. I am forever grateful. Thank God for you all. I really appreciate you.


Picture of Charneatha

November 2022 Grant Recipient:

Kissandra was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2022. She has an incredible outlook on life and in her words, is keeping her head high as she goes through her treatment. Below is a letter from her daughter:

My mom and I are so thankful and grateful from the bottom of our hearts for the financial assistance your foundation granted her. It is a huge help in getting her a consistent driver to assist her to/from her appts over the next 3 months and is allowing her some room to work out the rest of her financial hurdle as she goes along on this journey. It’s because of your foundation’s passion and heart of giving that she can ease her mind a bit as to the Who and How for now and that is HUGE. You all are truly a blessing, no doubt about it, and may your loved one sleep peacefully knowing her fight is never ending. May GOD BLESS you all and the foundation bountifully so you all can continue the GREAT WORKS in Emily’s Honor.

Sincerely, Kissandra and daughter Tanya (xoxo) hugs/kisses to all

Picture of Kissandra

Sept 2022 Grant Recipient:

Teresa was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in April ‘22. She encourages us all to, “Look after all the women in your family to make sure they are all updated on gynecological exams. Be proactive!” And to those battling cancer, “Be positive. Don’t let cancer break you - YOU are stronger than you think. I was lucky to have such a strong support system, they also kept me going - talk to them, remember, you are not the only one going through this unfortunate journey.” And to the supporters of Embrace Emily, “thank you! You came to me when for the first time in this journey, I really needed you! You restored my positive thinking.”

Teresa, we will continue to be in your corner! Your positivity and courage are inspiring to us all.

Picture of Teresa Renfroe

September 2022

Birthday Celebration

Carlos was diagnosed with stage 4 aggressive brain cancer in May ‘22. Carlos is friends to everyone he meets and is always willing to help out anywhere he can. He really wanted a big party with a petting zoo for his birthday, but with his health concerns, he wasn’t able to. His amazing school community helped him celebrate with a birthday parade! Thanks to the generous supporters of Embrace Emily, we were able to give him a giant Target shopping spree for some birthday presents and necessities for his family. Please keep Carlos in your thoughts and prayers.

Picture of Carlos

July 2022 Grant Recipient:

Diana was diagnosed in April ‘22, a year after she found a lump in her breast that turned out to be cancer. She is an amazingly strong woman, showing her son that she knows how to be brave, and won’t stop fighting! Diana wants all young women to be their own advocates and to understand the power of their voice when it comes to health.We were proud to be able to present her with a check at our July event to cover her mortgage and utilities for two months, as well as other expenses for Diana and her son.

Check out her story on ABC News!
Chicago area nonprofit helps women suffering from breast cancer with financial burdens

Picture of Diana Vargas

May 2022 Grant Recipient:

After being diagnosed in February of 2022 with invasive ductal carcinoma and undergoing multiple biopsies, genetic testing, chemo, and radiation, this brave woman battling breast cancer knew she wanted to seek complementary therapies. As Embrace Emily was founded on the need to give Emily the means to seek out other therapies not covered by traditional health insurance, we knew we wanted to help. We covered two months of complementary therapies for this grant recipient including yoga, guided meditation, massage, group physical therapies, nutritional supplements, counseling, and medical cannabis. Thank you for helping to make this happen, Embrace Emily community! This recipient shared, "I have no words of gratitude to thank you enough for your help in this difficult time. Thank you so much."

January 2022 Grant Recipient:

Marianne was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a double mastectomy in June 2021. She started chemo in August, completing 4 rounds of AC - "the red devil," and 12 weekly doses of Taxol. She just started 25 rounds of radiation this month. Due to her severe neuropathy, she has difficulty working, walking, and even standing for more than 5 minutes. However, Marianne tries to be positive in her journey, and says laughter gets her through. Embrace Emily was able to help Marianne with a grant for copays, prescription costs, gas to get to and from treatments, and groceries. But she is most excited to use some of the grant money to try alternative methods to treat her neuropathy, including acupuncture. We are hopeful you are able to find some relief, Marianne!

Picture of Marianne

May 2021 Grant Recipient:
Lauren Fields

November 7, 1989 - May 27, 2022

Lauren was an inspiration to so many people. She fought her entire battle with courage, dignity and grace. Below is a poem Lauren wrote, sharing her journey with honesty and bravery. It was an honor to be a small part of your fight, Lauren. Rest peacefully.

Picture of Lauren Fields

Can someone wake me up from this nightmare please? I just want my life back.

I want health. I want energy.
I want this port out of my chest.
I want my hair, lashes, and brows.
I want to have two breasts.
I want the ability to go out with friends and have a drink or two.
I want to know happiness and stop feeling so blue.
I want to have a normal appetite instead of being nauseous and sick.
I want to be completely done with scans and needle pricks.
I want to make it through a day without having to lie down.
I want to pick out a wedding dress, not another hospital gown.
I want to drive my car again, the ability to just go.
I want the freedom to travel everywhere and not worry about chemo.
I want to not freak out about every pain I feel.
I want to have the chance for my body to completely heal.
I want an average life span longer than 5 years.
I want to stop randomly breaking down in tears.
I want the possibility of my biggest dream coming true.
I want to be a mother, and have a baby or two.
I want my parents to relax and not be so stressed out.
I want them to know they are appreciated and never have a doubt.
I want my man to look at me and know together we'll grow old.
I want to always be the only hand he holds.

I want so much to have a normal healthy life.
But cancer came in and cut through it like a knife.
It has taken so much from me, sometimes I just can't deal.
My mind still tries to process the fact that this is real.
But it hasn't taken everything, in fact there are some things it gave.
A realization of how fragile life is and what it means to be brave. ❤

October 2020 Grant Recipient:

Heather was diagnosed with triple positive breast cancer 6 weeks after her woman wellness exam. Heather feels lucky that she saw her doctor right away after feeling something was off in her body. Heather is a single mom and feels blessed by the generosity of so many people helping drive her to appointments and watching her son while she’s had to be in treatment. Heather was on disability with work so she could focus on her treatment, but unfortunately because of COVID her position was eliminated in September. Heather is taking it day by day. Embrace Emily was able to pay for 4 months of Heather’s Cobra payments as well as her chosen complimentary treatments of yoga, meditation, and hypnosis. Heather, we are inspired by your self-care and courage and you continue your treatments!

Picture of Heather

June 2020 Grant Recipient:

After discovering a concerning patch of skin and bringing it to her doctor’s attention, Sarah was diagnosed with Stage 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in March of 2020. Sarah is a mother of two (6 months and 5 years), as well as the primary income source for her family. Her paid-time-off is dwindling after her maternity leave, surgeries, and other appointments. Embrace Emily is able to relieve a little of her family’s stress by covering their mortgage and utilities this month. Stay strong, Sarah. We are proud to be part of your support system.

February 2020 Grant Recipient:

Ann was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer on 8/24/19 and has been unable to work. Ann shared, “After losing my daughter, and then being diagnosed with cancer less than a year later, life has been hard to say the least. I am fighting this battle as I do have other children and grandchildren.” Embrace Emily was able to assist Ann with her medical bills. We are proud to support Ann in her battle.

Community Support!

Embrace Emily partnered with two amazing groups this month.

First, we sponsored a project with the James Hart Middle School Interact Club (Homewood, IL) to purchase supplies for them to make chemo blankets for participants at the Cancer Support Center in Homewood.

Second, we supported two programs at the Cancer Support Center by underwriting the cost of both Therapeutic Touch and Gentle Yoga. All programs at CSC are provided at no costs to participants.

Picture of James Hart Middle School
						Interact Club

December 2019 Grant Recipient:

On September 27, 2018 Robbie was diagnosed with High Risk Pre B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He began treatment immediately, which brought many side effects including hair loss, nausea, vomiting, the inability to walk, and numerous inpatient stays. He started the 3-year, long-term maintenance phase in June, which hopefully means an easier road ahead for Robbie. Embrace Emily is proud to be a part of Robbie’s support team. We hope Santa brings you everything on your list this year! Merry Christmas, Robbie and Family!

Picture of Robbie

October 2019 Grant Recipient:
Kristin Grib

May 23, 1965 - September 10, 2023

We are sorry to hear of Kristin’s passing. It was an honor to be a small part of your fight, Kristin. Rest peacefully.

Picture of Kristin Grib

August 2019 Grant Recipient:

Sarah Case was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 1 Breast Cancer. At just 41, at her annual exam on May 9th, her doctor discovered a lump. A mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy later, she received the call no woman could ever imagine. After hearing her diagnosis on June 18, 2019, Sarah remembers thinking, “am I going to be okay, will I lose my hair, what about my babies?” She had a lumpectomy on July 16th and is now working on her treatment plan. Sarah is now looking for the positive every day in her “new normal”. As a single mom, she is finding her time spent best with her 4 and 7 year old daughters, has a great support team in her mom, friends and coworkers, and is finally putting herself first. She is grateful for something every day and is determined to take care of herself, making sure she is okay, to make sure her girls are okay. As Sarah says, she will find the light at the end of the tunnel. The Embrace Emily Family is proud to join Sarah’s support team. Sarah, we wish you good health and healing in the year ahead.

Picture of Sarah

July 2019 Grant Recipient:

My name is Katie Masek and I am 32 years old. My journey began on April 12th, 2019 when I found a small lump in my left breast. I found my lump while doing a self-examination on myself. I immediately called my primary doctor to be seen as soon as possible. I was graciously welcomed into the mammogram club followed by an ultrasound. Because of the suspicious look of the lump on the films I was then referred for a biopsy. On May 2nd, my biopsy revealed that I in fact had Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS). I was lucky enough to have caught it so early being that it was only at Stage 0 and hadn’t reached any of my breast tissue yet, but I had tested positive for HER2+. Because I tested positive for that hormone meant that I would need chemotherapy. Yes, hearing that I needed chemotherapy and that I most definitely was going to lose my hair isn’t something that I wanted to hear, but the silver lining in all of this was that I was going to be okay. There was a treatment for me and I was going to be okay. I elected to have a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on June 4th, 2019. The tumor was removed, and the surgery went great. Since my surgery, knowing that I am going to start chemotherapy once I am healed, I elected to also freeze my eggs. As if my regular doctor appointments weren’t enough, I was now going through fertility treatments to save my eggs for the future. Fertility treatments went as planned and I was able to freeze 18 eggs, which was great. Now, I just sit and wait to start my chemotherapy treatment.

When you find out that you have cancer, your whole world immediately stops. You are at the mercy of doctors, insurance, and the game of having no other option but to be patient. That self-examination had saved my life. If I hadn’t even checked myself, who knows how much larger the tumor could have gotten or how fast this horrible disease could have progressed. I can’t imagine going through this process without the amazing support I have received from my family and friends. Through this journey I really have learned to stop and smell the roses once in a while, don’t take things for granted, always remain positive, and appreciate all that I have in life. I have my treatment planned, I know I’m going to be okay, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is just another bump in the road, but I am going to be okay.

Picture of Katie

May 2019 Grant Recipient:

Jen Baygood was diagnosed on June 26, 2018 with Stage 3, Grade 3 HER 2+ Breast Cancer. After brain surgery to remove a tumor, a mastectomy with 14 lymph nodes removed, 8 rounds of chemo, 30 rounds of radiation, physical therapy, and two additional surgeries scheduled for April and May of 2019, Jen has been unable to teach during the 2018-2019 school year. Embrace Emily was able to give Jen a small grant to assist her with prescription costs, and travel expenses to and from treatments, physical therapy, and acupuncture. We are proud to be part of her cheering squad, sending her positivity and prayers as she continues her cancer journey. Jen is hopeful to get back into the classroom, at her best, next school year! We are wishing you good health and healing in your year ahead, Jen!

Picture of Jen